Too often do I go through my life of going through the motions and going full speed through each day. I remember the days where I really just stopped to take a look around me and take advantage of the small things in life that are amazing. These past 5 days where just that. Time to just relax, enjoy the people around me, be in a new place, and be thankful for the small things in life. It felt good to get excited over the little things in life again. And not only that, but to have someone there by your side to be excited with you and not think you’re a big fat dork because you’re excited about seeing the huge fields of corn for the first time.
Lincoln, Nebraska isn’t most people’s idea of fun apparently. They say to me “What’s in Nebraska that’s worth going for?” or “What a boring place to even think about going” I would have to disagree. I strongly believe that people make all the difference in this life. You could live in the coolest place in the world and it could not be worth it if you don’t have the community, fellowship, and love of the people around you. I was able to meet some really remarkable people in this misjudged area of the United States. Bryson introduced me to a BUNCH of new people. After the overwhelming feelings wore off I was able to have an excellent time. His family was... how do I explain them, they’re so fun to be around. Their conversations are so bizarre and off the wall and it made me so happy! I truly felt like I actually belonged there. Mostly because they reminded me of my very own family. It was comforting. Then on to his friends. They’re just phenomenal! Mostly two of his best friends Michael and Doug. They had no problem treating me like they’ve known me forever and they’re HIL-arious! By day 4, Bryson had started referring to his friends as “our friends”. Maybe because I fit in so well with them, or at least, that’s what I thought.
They all had big impacts on me even though I was only in town for 5 days. But even other random people had such an impact in some way. Michael’s mom was so great! (We hung out there a lot). She baby-sits during the day and once while we were there she had a little 4 year old boy there. I apparently sat in his spot on the couch while they were watching a movie, so he didn’t like me at first. But after about 10 minutes he decided I was okay and asked to sit with me. It was so sweet. :) Then there was Bryson’s theater director who he’s told everything about us to. She was so excited to finally meet me and was SO happy! When I hugged her good-bye she whispered something in my ear that was so encouraging and really just helped me realized that we could actually get through this. It was an incredible moment. It’s the little things that people say or do that just get you through the day. I don’t know if people step back to realize the small parts people might play in their lives but the big impact they make as well.
The people were great, but I must say that I had a lot of firsts on this trip that made me love that place. Corn.... I made him run through the corn fields outside his house with me. He lives in the country, and has TONS of land. He has a corn field that his neighbors actually farm. The running in the corn lasted only about 10 strides because I wasn’t a fan of being slapped in the face by the stocks. The sunsets were pink! Full of bright pink fading into oranges and reds, it was the most breathtaking sunsets I’ve seen. And then seeing the sun turn blood red as it falls beyond the horizon! One night we were playing frisbee in the backyard with his friends and all of the sudden... I saw flickers of lights in the distances, I FINALLY got to see fireflies!!!!! It was magical!! I basically bounced around with excitement like a little 5 year old, but who cares!!! Bryson’s family also has 2 horses, who was beautiful!! I’ve always been so scared of those animals, but I actually got up on one of them! Of course, his sister was leading me around on a horse leash, and I was only going in circles, but it was still a moment I don’t think I’ll forget. And don’t forget about this full moon, which was bright orange and lit up the land in all it’s darkness.
Then there’s Bryson himself. It really is just too overwhelming to talk about it all. He’s just a magnificent guy. Not many people have the ability to calm me down when I get crazy and not many people have this way to make me get out my feelings in a way that makes sense to them. And being able to share my spiritual life with him is so amazing to me. It really is just too much to talk about. And people might get made for keeping that part to myself, but it’s a part of my life that I’d like to keep for myself at times. Not because I’m ashamed or I’m trying to hide something, it’s just something I like to keep for myself. If that makes any sense.
Above all I’m beginning to see how much I need to trust God and lean on him through all of this. If it were up to me I would pick up and follow Bryson to the ends of the earth right now. But I see that it’s not that time right now, and timing is everything! And it sucks beyond all belief leaving Bryson, his home, his family, his friends and coming back home, but that’s life for you and I just have to take it one step at a time. But I HAVE to trust that God’s plans are so much better than anything I could ever come up with. One of my lady friends from church told me to take God with me on this trip and that He would be there to get me through meeting the family and friends and to take my nervousness away. It was a very impactful statement that I really took to heart.
August 19, 2008
Posted by Melissa at 9:38 AM 3 comments
August 8, 2008
The End.
All hail the last day of school. What a trip this year has been. I don't even know where to begin. I've been stretched, beaten, pulled, pushed, and throw into anything and everything for the past 7 1/2 months. Starting with Student Teaching in 5th grade math in January to 3rd grade for a couple weeks and 4th grade for a few days in the middle to the end of the year where I was in 2nd grade in August. Right now I feel indescribable. Like this huge load has been taken off of me. At least for 2 weeks.
I'm sure I've talked about my story, but here it goes again. I still remember the day I entered the doors of Judith Steele Elementary full of anxiety and... well that's pretty much the only feeling I had that morning. When I learned I was in 5th grade but I would only be teaching math I remember wondering if that would help or hinder my experience. But I decided to stick with it. Turns out it was the best thing that could happen to me. My student teaching experience felt like it was unique and perhaps even more difficult than maybe some other people might have gone through. Besides the fact that I was full time after about a month and in the classroom by myself most of the time, there was so much that happened during those months.
It happened on my birthday, April 29th. We told the students that our writing teacher had been in a car wreck 2 weeks before and was in bad shape, was still in the hospital, and was not coming back this year. This was also the first I had heard of it. 175 crying students is too much to handle, especially when you have to hold it together for the sake of the kids. But through this horrible incident came... me. I had been asked to take over his class for the rest of the year... until July 17th. We decided to tell the kids on my last day of student teaching, somehow we kept it a secret for about a week and a half. We told them in the morning after announcements. It's a moment I won't ever forget. They all crowded around and our math teacher as she told them we had found their new teacher, and I was standing there with kids crawling all over me waiting to hear who it would be... there was a dramatic pause.... and then she said "Misssss Thomasssss!" And there was a flood of screams and kids rushing to me.
I'm sure I've talked about my story, but here it goes again. I still remember the day I entered the doors of Judith Steele Elementary full of anxiety and... well that's pretty much the only feeling I had that morning. When I learned I was in 5th grade but I would only be teaching math I remember wondering if that would help or hinder my experience. But I decided to stick with it. Turns out it was the best thing that could happen to me. My student teaching experience felt like it was unique and perhaps even more difficult than maybe some other people might have gone through. Besides the fact that I was full time after about a month and in the classroom by myself most of the time, there was so much that happened during those months.
It happened on my birthday, April 29th. We told the students that our writing teacher had been in a car wreck 2 weeks before and was in bad shape, was still in the hospital, and was not coming back this year. This was also the first I had heard of it. 175 crying students is too much to handle, especially when you have to hold it together for the sake of the kids. But through this horrible incident came... me. I had been asked to take over his class for the rest of the year... until July 17th. We decided to tell the kids on my last day of student teaching, somehow we kept it a secret for about a week and a half. We told them in the morning after announcements. It's a moment I won't ever forget. They all crowded around and our math teacher as she told them we had found their new teacher, and I was standing there with kids crawling all over me waiting to hear who it would be... there was a dramatic pause.... and then she said "Misssss Thomasssss!" And there was a flood of screams and kids rushing to me.

Then I was off to long-term sub for 2nd grade for the last 2 weeks of school. I'll blame it on the fact that it was the end of the year... but it was absolute hell. Little 2nd graders can be cute, but really? They were CRAZY! I was never happy to get up and go to this class every day. Which makes me sad, maybe I didn't try hard enough. Or maybe I just do not have the personality for smaller kids. But the end is here and I can honestly say I do not miss those 2nd graders.
So what's next for this fresh outta college girl? Well, I'm staying here at Steele and I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing. I'll be their "in house sub" and fill in when needed. I don't really know the details AT ALL, but I was looking at the teacher's boxes in the teacher's lounge and I saw one with "Thomas" on it!!! And assuming they haven't hired a new teacher with that last name, I'm assuming it's ME! I feel good about this arrangement. I think this past 7 months was crazy and it'll be good to kinda ease myself into teaching. And I've been thinking about teaching 6th grade math! So we'll see what happens. :)
Posted by Melissa at 1:34 PM 2 comments
August 2, 2008
Dobby Mobby Obby
Pronounced Dob-bee (Like Bobby with a D) not Dooooo-bee.
The little Dobby trying to sleep!Then interrupted by the Goat... so of course he has to attack back.
And of course the Dobby wins. At least when he's in my room, he's very territorial.
awww He's so cute! And he's getting very big! Mostly I just cannot wait until we get the little booger declawed! Then I'll love him even more!
And today is the glorious day I've been waiting for.... my LAST day at Origins!!! Thank the Lord! :)
Posted by Melissa at 3:31 PM 0 comments
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