September 23, 2007

A Pile of Dirty Cloths

Lately I feel like my life is like the pile of cloths in my room... yes I'm going there, deal with it. So usually when my room is just insanely messy I get to this point where I can't deal with it anymore, I have no clean underoos, and something needs to change. I'm trying to think of the last time my room and cloths were all clean. I think it was about 2 or 3 weeks ago, possibly even longer. So as most of you have experienced yourselves, it just starts off with a few shirts and flip flops laying around because you just got home from a long day and just didn't want to put it away. Slowly and surly the pile starts to grow. At some points within the last weeks I had attempted to clean it by throwing all the cloths on the bed, the shoes in a pile, and the trash somewhere in a foot radius of the trash can. I put my cloths on my bed to force me to do something with them before I go to bed. This method has not been working because I just end up sleeping on one of the other beds in my house. So as of right now.... cloths are EVERYWHERE and everything else I own is just sitting on my floor in this huge mess.

So how you may ask does this relate to my life? I feel like all of my sins have been slowly piling up and I'm just too lazy to do anything about it. And it's not the matter of me trying to clean it all up so I can just live, it's the fact that I'm too lazy to repent, not willing to change, not ready to look at the pile of crap that I have been living with for a while now. And I've had attempts at "cleaning" my heart I guess you could say, I've heard awesome sermons that give great advice and hit me with the truth and word of God, and I've started a mini-bible study with Tobi and Hannah, I've done all these little things that have only just sorted out the sinful things away in my heart, but I still just haven't faced the fact that things are so outta wack ad that I'm sick of living with this pile of mess!

I just got home from our Sunday night college group with our church. I was so great because I was able to be honest with them and tell them exactly how I feel. It was blunt... I defiantly spouted some tears, but it was also great to hear what everyone else had to say. I think it was such a great step that we took today! And it's definitely an answer to prayer and I'm so excited to see what's in store for our group next.

I think that's it for now. Jeez... so many blogs in such a short amount of time!


Anonymous said...

Me too. To everything you just said. Your blog looks pretty! I kind of like that it's different every time I see it. :)