November 2, 2007

My 2 days of subbing!

Yesterday and today I subbed for a 5th grade class in an... okay part of town. I wouldn't say rich, but wouldn't say poor. I really like subbing for the same class twice in a row. It's so much more fun. But this class in particular was soooo much fun! Yesterday I wasn't as excited as I was today. It was kinda blah and boring, but I was looking over the lesson plans for Friday and there was going to be a bunch of extra time. So I planned a couple different lessons and brought in some of my own stuff! I love 5th grade. The kids are starting to get that attitude, but it's new to them, so they're still figuring out how to use it so it's funny to me. haha And their self-efficient it's so cool!

We did this activity with Double Meaning Words, and when I asked if they had ever learned about them they said they had done it last year. So I was kind of sad and didn't think it'd go well. I had them brain storm as many as they could and they were all thinking of some really great things! When I asked them if they were running out of words they wanted to keep thinking! It was so cool! So then I gave each student an index card and on the front was a word such as "Sink" and on the other side they had to illustrate the 2 meanings and create a sentence. They ended up loving it and taking so much time on their work.

Then we played math baseball instead of just working straight out of the book. But to make sure everyone was practicing, EVERYONE had to do the problem just in case the person at the board got the answer wrong then I would call on the first hand I saw. And everyone had to have a turn at the board, so when one student's turn was up she really didn't want to go up, but I gave her a semi-easy one, and she ended up getting it right!! It was so exciting!

Then we made this collage with biomes and they had to sort the different animals and plants, and it was so cool to watch them all do it! And it was this LONG piece of paper, and they didn't finish but it's going to look so awesome when they get it done.

So their treat for being good kids was they got to play "Goofball" which is like kickball without rules. It was ridiculous. I could never play it... But it was fun to watch. I think I sometimes tend to be a little bit too much of a "friend" I guess you could say. But I'm serious when I need to be and get things done when it's needed so whatever! I don't think it's bad to have fun!

I would sub again for that class ANY day!