These past couple months have been fun, exciting, boring, frustrating, amazing, and pretty much any adjective you can think of. Where to start? I suppose we'll go back to April 29. I have reached 23 years of age. I feel so old, yet so SO young, like I have so much I need to do and want to accomplish. This years birthday was 100 times better than last year. It was simple like I wanted it to be and fun.
Work wise, this year has been going by so fast. Sometimes I stand in front of the room wondering how it is that I am this 23 year old person standing in front of these 26 9-10 year olds, responsible for them. It can be scary at times! I'm finding that I am able to see the things that I am doing wrong in my class, and what I would like to change in the future with myself and teaching. I really am going to miss these kids.
We went on track break for pretty much the whole month of May. I feel like I actually did A LOT during this month! It's actually a little ridiculous now that I think of how much I did and all that happened. At the begining of my break I headed out to Tennessee to visit Hannah again. We traveled a lot more this time. We went to Elizabethtown, Kentucky because I really love the movie Elizabethtown the movie, it was quite exciting! Then we traveling to Knoxville, Tennessee where Hannah's family lives. It's so beautiful there. I loved it!
Tobi, Kyle and I also took a day road trip to California. We stopped by the best places ever which included: Ikea, Chic-Fil-A, and the beach of course. We then made our way over to the concert we went to see, The Decemberists were playing. After almost running out of gas, we made it. The concert was great and the trip home made the trip better than I would have ever expected.
Another special thing that happened in May was starting to date Jason. He moved here from Ohio in late January because he is in the Air Force. We started getting to know each other and at the beginning on May he asked me out. We hit it off real well and he's one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. We've been able to talk about real things and we even star
ted praying together. It's been pretty great so far. The family likes him, people at church have said real good things about him. I'm excited to see what the future has to hold with this.
The last thing I have to say is well, the most important to me. I feel like I've gotten closer to God. Saying this kinda scares me, only because I know that I'm still this huge sinner who sucks at life. I guess the only difference is that I'm this huge sinner who sucks at life but I know that God has a hold on me. I know that he has a purpose for all the struggles I deal with and I feel like I'm more at peace with life in all it hecticness and frustrations. I prayed the other day that God would show me my sin, because I feel like I've been blind to them for a while. Sure enough, he did. Now, I know I'll never be perfect, but there's so much that I'd like to change about myself, and I just was reassured that it can only happen
if GOD does the changing instead of me. I also was reading my bible and opened to 1 Corinthians where Paul writes about doing things out of love, and if you don't do them with love then basically... what's the point. I love feeling God's love and presence. I've been striving to hold onto this feeling, because I know how much it sucks when I'm in a rut.
Things I could use some prayer on:
1. A job. Job searching is a little stressful. Pray that I would be able to trust God, but also act instead of sit and wait till someone calls me.
2. Youth Group. I feel like we're planting seeds, pray that it would grow and that we could grow together as a group.
3. Self-Control. This includes time management and being productive. I've been having a hard time with this issue.
June 1, 2009
Monster Ballads
Posted by Melissa at 9:34 PM
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It sounds like life is going in positive directions for you. You are always in our prayers.
Hey Melissa, its Renee Hatch come see my blog and add me to yours, you can see all that is going in our life. Please tell your mom hello for me, if she wants have her contact me. 928-567-0164, where are you guys living now? We are still in Camp Verde, Az getting ready to go see the Hauwegans in July, hopfully I will hear from you soon
Thanks for the great update as well as the wonderful DVD you sent home with TC and Leroy, what a grand time I had watching that. But neither of them wanted to try the dance with me!! The nerve.
Auntie Jo
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