I've been having a hard time this past week. Mostly the normal stuff I've been struggling with.... what does God want me to do in my life and where. But I'm starting to see the light. It's a good feeling being able to come back to God and actually have that relationship with him that I've been missing for a while now.
Tonight we had our summer bible study on Spiritual Mothering, basically mentoring. I love the women in our church because I can hang out with a group of ladies older than myself and be accepted. They don't make me feel awkward for being young and single when they are all married with children. I just love listening to their stories and praying with them. I like to hear their struggles because it makes me feel more comfortable because as a group together we just don't judge each other. It's amazing!
In our bible study one of the things we talked about that really hit home for me was this: Love is dying to yourself and also love is taking enormous risks. Love is a powerful thing. This can be applied in my life in so many different ways, but I can think of a few people in particular where I need to take enormous risks and die to myself in order to love them. That's a hard thing to do, but only by the grace and mercy of God will I be able to even think I can do that. And how on earth can people relate to each other or lean on one another without it?
God's been showing me that I need to trust him. After the whole Morocco situation and being let down over it, I just figured... oh well, I guess I just have to settle down in Las Vegas. But recently through older couples and my church family I've had open eyes to see that there's a WHOLE WORLD out there! And I don't have to stay in my comfort zone here in Vegas. I think that for the time being he wants me here. Mostly because I think it'd be too much picking up and just leaving. I also have commitments to the youth group that I really don't want to let down. So I've decided I'm going to take baby steps. I'm saving up my money and I'm going to get an apartment. Along with the new place I'm getting a kitty of my own. Maybe even TWO! We'll see.
But I truly feel much better tonight about my life and what God has in store. I just wish this feeling would stick around more!!!!