July 29, 2008

Feminists cry foul over Fat Princess

I found this incredibly amussing!

She's plump, powerful and ready to cause more controversy than "SuperSize Me."
She's Fat Princess, the star of Sony's upcoming video game of the same name. Debuting at last week's E3 expo, the colorful Fat Princess is a capture-the-flag game with a twist: you can thwart capture attempts by locking the once-thin princess in a dungeon and stuffing her full of cake, thereby increasing her girth and making her harder for your enemies to haul back to home base.
According to popular gaming blog
Joystiq, two feminist gaming sites have already voiced their displeasure with the weighty issue.

Feminist Gamer's "Mighty Ponygirl" rings in diplomatically, suggesting a new way to play the game altogether.
"Instead of running out into the forest to find cake to fatten up the princess with, why not go out and find gold (which is a lot heavier than cake) to stuff into a treasure chest. The more gold in the chest, the heavier it would be, and the harder it would be to carry," she said, before adding, "Oh, but that's not as "cute" as cake and fat chicks. Right."


Kevin R Thomas said...

Thats my favorite type of princess. Why are the femanazi's so upset?

Joke. Whats the difference between a femanist and a sumo wrestler.

...sumos shave their legs.

(Ba Dum Ching!!)

Anonymous said...

ha. they so crazy.
dude, I haven't read your blog in a while. Good thing work is always boring. Expect a few more comments...

Anonymous said...

Good words.